Lessons from the back of the line. Ever feel like the world’s game of success is rigged? Maybe it’s time to rewrite the rules. Why being last might just make you first in life and business.
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Paid Content Includes:
- Expalantion: Understanding Each Section & Learning from These Verses
- Personal Thoughts: What This Scripture Means for You & How this Scripture speak to your heart?
- Personal Commentary: Deepening Our Walk with God: See how these words draw us closer to God.
- Christian Discipleship: Following Jesus & Let this Scripture guide your steps as you follow Jesus.
- Spiritual Growth: Growing Spiritually & Discover how these verses help you grow in your faith.
- Ask yourself this question: How can you live out this Scripture in your daily life?
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Welcome to the Congregation
Good morning, friends! I want to warmly welcome you all to this gathering of believers. Today, we are reminded of the love and humility that Jesus calls us to as His followers. As we come together in worship, let’s open our hearts to the lessons God wants to teach us. I believe God has something special for each of us today, and I pray that we leave here transformed by His Word and His Spirit.
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, we come before You today with open hearts and humble spirits. Thank You for bringing us together as a family of believers. We ask for Your guidance and wisdom as we study Your Word. Help us to understand Your will and give us the courage to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We ask for Your peace to fill this place and for Your love to guide our thoughts and actions. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.
Introduction to Scripture
Today, we’re going to dive into a moment in Jesus’ life found in Mark 9:30-37. This passage speaks about humility and serving others, values that are at the core of Christian discipleship. Jesus uses a simple yet powerful moment to teach His disciples what true greatness looks like in the kingdom of God. Let’s take a look at this scripture together and reflect on how we can apply it to our daily walk with Christ.
The Events in Mark 9:30-37
In this passage, Jesus is traveling with His disciples through Galilee, but He didn’t want anyone to know. He had an important lesson to share with His disciples. He told them about His upcoming death and resurrection, but they didn’t understand. Later, as they reached Capernaum, Jesus asked them what they were arguing about on the way. The disciples were embarrassed because they had been discussing which of them was the greatest. Jesus gently corrected them by saying, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Then, He brought a little child into their midst and said that welcoming a child in His name was like welcoming Him, and ultimately, welcoming God.
Mark 9:30-37 (NIV)
30 They left that place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were,
31 because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise.”
32 But they did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask him about it.
33 They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?”
34 But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest.
35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”
36 He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them,
37 “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”
Intercessory Prayer
Father, we come before You with hearts seeking to be like Jesus. Help us to understand what it means to be humble and serve others. Show us how to put others before ourselves, just as Jesus taught us. We pray that You would fill us with the same spirit of love and humility that Jesus showed, so we can be a light to those around us. Guide us in our daily walk, and help us to reflect Your love in everything we do. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Congregational Prayer Response
Lord, we hear Your call to humility and service. Help us to welcome others as You have welcomed us. Teach us to be last, so we may serve all in Your name. We thank You for the example of Jesus and pray that we can follow His footsteps in every area of our lives. Amen.
Sermon Title: “Want to Be Great? Start by Being Last!”
Sermon Introduction
Today, we’re going to talk about something that’s counterintuitive to the world but central to the message of Jesus: true greatness in the kingdom of God. In Mark 9:30-37, Jesus teaches us that being great isn’t about climbing the ladder or gaining recognition—it’s about humility, servanthood, and welcoming others, especially those who are often overlooked. It’s a lesson for His disciples, and it’s a lesson for us today. We’ll explore what this means and how we can apply it to our lives as followers of Christ.
Historical Context and Modern Impact
Jesus had just performed great miracles and was heading toward Jerusalem, where He knew His journey would lead to the cross. The disciples were still struggling to grasp His true mission. In their minds, they were thinking about power and status in a worldly sense. But Jesus flipped their expectations upside down, showing that true greatness comes from serving others. Today, we live in a society that often measures greatness by success, wealth, and influence. But Jesus’ words challenge us to think differently and live in a way that honors God, not the world.
Expository Outline: Mark 9:30-37
1. Jesus’ Journey to the Cross (Verses 30-32)
In this first section, Jesus privately teaches His disciples about His upcoming suffering, death, and resurrection. This is the heart of His mission, but the disciples didn’t understand.
- Lesson: True discipleship involves embracing the suffering and sacrifice of following Jesus.
- Application: Are we willing to follow Jesus even when it means sacrifice and hardship?
2. The Disciples’ Argument About Greatness (Verses 33-34)
As Jesus is teaching them about humility, the disciples are ironically arguing about which of them is the greatest. They were still thinking in terms of human status and power.
- Lesson: We often miss the point when we focus on ourselves and our own ambitions.
- Application: Are we more concerned with our position or with serving others like Jesus?
3. Jesus Teaches About True Greatness (Verses 35-37)
Jesus sets the record straight by saying that the greatest in His kingdom is the one who serves. He uses the image of a child to illustrate humility and servanthood.
- Lesson: True greatness in God’s kingdom is measured by humility and service, not by power or recognition.
- Application: How can we serve others in a way that reflects the heart of Jesus?
4. Welcoming the “Least” (Verse 37)
Jesus wraps up His lesson by explaining that when we welcome the least—those who are vulnerable, like children—we are welcoming Him and God the Father.
- Lesson: Welcoming and loving those who are often overlooked is at the core of Jesus’ mission.
- Application: Who can we reach out to this week that may feel invisible or insignificant in the eyes of the world?
As we reflect on Mark 9:30-37, Jesus invites us to redefine greatness. It’s not about power or prestige; it’s about humility, service, and welcoming others. Let’s take that challenge to heart and live it out in our daily lives. Are you ready to serve as Jesus did?
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Paid Content Includes:
- Expalantion: Understanding Each Section & Learning from These Verses
- Personal Thoughts: What This Scripture Means for You & How this Scripture speak to your heart?
- Personal Commentary: Deepening Our Walk with God: See how these words draw us closer to God.
- Christian Discipleship: Following Jesus & Let this Scripture guide your steps as you follow Jesus.
- Spiritual Growth: Growing Spiritually & Discover how these verses help you grow in your faith.
- Ask yourself this question: How can you live out this Scripture in your daily life?
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