Category: Trusting God

0 241
Posted in Fulfilling Scripture God's Plan Trusting God

2 Samuel 5:1-10 – David Becomes King Over Israel – From Shepherd Boy to King, a Giant Feat!

David’s Royal Road from Pasture to Palace! Follow David’s hilarious path from sheep to sovereign in this royal adventure. From Shepherd…

1 236
Posted in Faith Obedience Trusting God

2 Corinthians 12:2-10 – Paul’s Vision and His Thorn – How Weakness Became His Strength! 

Uncover Paul’s secret to turning weaknesses into wonders in this uplifting story. Paul’s Thorny Issue Turned Heavenly Blessing! How Paul…

0 358
Posted in God's Plan Prayer Trusting God

John 17:6-19 Unlock Your Hidden Keys

John 17:6-19 Reveals the Secret to Unstoppable Spiritual Growth! Unlock the Hidden Keys to Transform Your Faith Journey Today! Discover…

0 658
Posted in Courage Fears Trusting God

Numbers 21:4-9 Salvation: A Hissy Fit to Remember

Imagine being saved by looking at a bronze snake on a stick. It’s like the ancient version of “Just Google…

0 688
Posted in God's Plan Trusting God

1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Make This message go viral, without a single cat video?

Because it’s the ultimate “underdog” story – it turns fishermen into followers and sinners into saints. Paid Table of Contents:…

0 1196
Posted in God's Plan Sermon Trusting God

Genesis 17:1-7,15-16 Sarah to Abraham “Honey, I think we need to redo the math”

Sarah overhears God’s promise: “Honey, I think we need to redo the math on this whole parenthood thing.” Old Testament…

0 9917
Posted in God's Plan Love Sermon Trusting God

Genesis 9:8-17 The Original No-Flood Insurance

So, God essentially offers the first-ever flood insurance policy. Premiums are paid in faith, coverage includes absolutely everything, and the…

0 586
Posted in Courage God's Plan Sermon Trusting God

1 Peter 3:18-22 Resurrection: Coming Back Stronger

Being put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit is the ultimate comeback story. It makes…

1 617
Posted in God's Plan Jesus' Life Trusting God

Hebrews 2:14-18 The Ultimate ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card

Jesus destroying the devil’s power and freeing us from the fear of death? Sounds like the plot of a Marvel…

0 847
Posted in Courage Peace Sermon Trusting God

Psalm 62: 5-12 King David’s Stress Management Tips: Sheep Meditation and Sling-Shot Therapy

Psalmist’s Guide to Inner Peace: Swap Your Worries for Divine ‘Rock’ Music. Shepherds Everywhere Embrace the ‘David Method. Paid Table of…

0 10061
Posted in Christian Living Courage Trusting God

Isaiah 60:1-6 Arise and Shine, But First, Coffee!

Isaiah 60:1-6 Isaiah’s Guide to Mornings. Arise and Shine, But First, Coffee! Free Short Powerful Sermons Contents: Welcome: Opening Prayer:…

0 1274
Posted in Bible Mysteries Obedience Sermon Trusting God

2 Peter 3:8-15 Are You Prepared for God’s Perfect Timing?

In this Hurried and Frantic World Learn how you can align your life according to God’s Divine Schedule. Paid Table…