Category: Bible Mysteries

1 955
Posted in Bible Mysteries Miracles Service

2 Kings 2:1-12 – The Prophet and the Punchlines

2 Kings 2:1-12 – Elisha and Elijah had quite the dynamic duo going on. You could say they were the…

0 598
Posted in Baptism Bible Mysteries Faith Forgiveness

Free Sermon: Voice in the Wilderness Unpacking Mark 1:1-8

This passage lays the foundation for the ministry of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Welcome Beloved Congregation! We gather…

0 1274
Posted in Bible Mysteries Obedience Sermon Trusting God

2 Peter 3:8-15 Are You Prepared for God’s Perfect Timing?

In this Hurried and Frantic World Learn how you can align your life according to God’s Divine Schedule. Paid Table…

2 561
Posted in Bible Mysteries Building the Church Fulfilling Scripture

Matthew 10:24-39 The Student and The Teacher

  Core Message: Jesus’ words in this passage remind us that following him is not an easy road. In fact,…

2 344
Posted in Bible Mysteries

The Mysterious Events of Luke 9:28-43

We often think of Levi and Elijah as law and prophets. Both men have been on the mountains to receive…