Category: Courage

2 358
Posted in Courage Fulfilling Scripture Perception

Matthew 22:23-46 – Understanding the Sanhedrists

Aside from being a well-known and loved passage in the Bible Matthew 22:34-46 is also a chapter that’s often misunderstood….

2 353
Posted in Courage Obedience Service

Romans 13:1-14 Obedience and The Debt of Love

Core Message: The Apostle Paul is urging us in Romans 13:1-14 to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. This command…

2 223
Posted in Courage

Hebrews 10: 1-10 Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All

Sometimes we can be fearful of the judgment of others. However, Christ sacrificed himself so that we can be freed…

2 368
Posted in Courage

Ephesians 3:1-12 God’s Plan for the Gentiles

Throughout Ephesians, Paul emphasizes the importance of the Church, the body of Christ. In this passage, he emphasizes the nature…